Services providers and Telecom Operators need to make sure their USSD menus are always up and running to prevent any loss of revenue and image.
Automatic verification of USSD menus
Detailed reports of USSD and SMS performances
Check SMS notification reception time
Full suite of KPIs to increase your USSD and SMS efficiency
Without an access to the internet or mobile data, end users can still use innovating services like Mobile Banking, Topup, Recharge, Facebook, Twitter or check their account while in roaming. SMS are also heavily used for user notification, marketing campaigns, two factor authentication, 3D secure payment verification but also to pay for goods. More and more services are built on those technologies but it is still tremendously complicated to test those services and to measure their quality (performances, uptime etc.). With kapptivate solutions, you will be able to setup complete end-to-end test scenarios for USSD and SMS services in just a few steps.
Thanks to kapptivate unique technologies, you will be able to test in real time that all your USSD services can be accessed, have a proper wording and don't have any encoding issues. Our solutions will continuously dial your USSD short codes on 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G and verify the response.
Thanks to the test reports, USSD services providers can track their USSD menus regressions, performances and wording over time. Warning are issued when slight differences of text are detected by kapptivate tests.
Our unique cross-technologies platform enable new possibilities for your use cases: start a USSD session, wait for a SMS notification, verify it's content and encoding, make sure the SMS was receive in less than a few seconds. USSD services providers never need to worry anymore about faulty SMS notifications
All tests made on the kapptivate platform will generate key metrics for your USSD and SMS metrics like: